Safety and Wellbeing
Our school has a high priority for safety and wellbeing for staff and students. For students we have co-created our echidna school mascots based on a real echidna that often comes to dig up our school gardens.
These characters assist teachers to not only teach our school expectations, but also to provide a character for children to relate to. By providing these characters we aim to provide a high level of emotional and physical wellbeing for our learners. The visual aspects of the characters cater to the early years learners and the 'cool' nature of the characters appeal to the older children.
Meet our Bollon State School Mascots!
Eric and Erica Burr burra (echidnas)
Our School Expectations:
E - Engage in learning
R - Respect self and others
I - Inspire each other
C - Care to be safe
A - Aspire to be great
Eric and Erica are twins who were born in Bollon and they are in touch with their local culture. They demonstrate positive behaviour for learning (PBL) at Bollon State School to all the children. Sometimes, they go to the local skatepark to have fun after they have done their homework. Our mascots help remind us about being safe and caring about each other at school.
Schoolwide positive behaviour support (PBL)
Bollon State School is committed to continually improving whole-school discipline in order to provide positive learning environments for all students. This creates a safe place for learning and caters to student and staff wellbeing.
We have adopted Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) as our behaviour management system and developed relational characters for our young students to assist in learning the expectations of our school.
PBL Bollon Sstate School behaviour matrix (DOCx, 65KB).
PBL is a whole-school framework which helps schools to create positive learning environments. This is achieved by developing proactive systems to define, teach, and support appropriate student behaviours.
Since being introduced in Queensland in 2005, the PBL framework has helped more than 400 state schools develop successful whole school behaviour management systems.
Data shows that when PBL is implemented with integrity it helps reduce problem behaviour and increase academic performance, safer learning environments and the protection of student wellbeing. Principals have also reported decreases in referrals of students, allowing time saved to be invested into other areas of school business.
Through PBL, schools implement evidence-based approaches to managing student behaviour support issues at the local community level. With an emphasis on data-based decision-making, the framework is evaluated regularly and practices are adjusted to make sure the process is improving behaviour results for schools.
Our behaviour matrix for Eric and Erica Burrburra echidnas are on signage around our school.

Other programs and experiences
Fly high Billie
Other programs we have provided for the students include the
Fly high Billie program, spreading kindness through b kinder: empowering children to make a difference through human kindness.
Ditto's keep safe adventure show
And the Ditto Kid's Safety show through
Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show presents protective behaviour strategies for children. Teaching children about personal safety in a fun, interactive and engaging way.
Respectful relationships
Respect includes opportunities for the explicit and age appropriate teaching of the skills and knowledge including personal and social awareness, human rights, gender equality and equity, respectful relationships and interactions, consent education, preventing domestic and family violence, and help seeking and reporting strategies that are needed to develop positive and
respectful relationships.