P–6 Curriculum Planning Model
At our school we combine number facts, problem solving, mentals math and concepts theory with hands-on learning to cover the following units:
- Strand: Number and Algebra.
- Sub-strand: Number an place value / Fractions and decimals.
- Strand: Measurement and Geometry.
- Sub-strand: Location and transformation.
- Strand: Statistics and Probability.
- Sub-strand: Data representation and interpretation.
- Strand: Number and Algebra.
- Sub-strand: Number and place value / Patterns and algebra.
- Strand: Measurement and Geometry.
- Sub-strand: Using units of measurement - Time.
- Strand: Statistics and Probability.
- Sub-strand: Chance: This unit is taught and assessed across a term or semester.
- Strand: Number and Algebra.
- Sub-strand: Number and place value.
- Strand: Measurement and Geometry.
- Sub-strand: Shape / Geometric reasoning.
- Strand: Measurement and Geometry.
- Sub-strand: Using units of measurement.
- Strand: Number and Algebra.
- Sub-strand: Number and place value / Fractions and decimals (revisit).
- Strand: Number and Algebra.
- Sub-strand: Money and financial mathematics.
The P–6 Curriculum Planning Model for Mathematics consists of 4 units with each unit assessing different sub-strands. Each sub-strand selected for assessment was sequenced across the year to ensure all 3strands are covered during a reporting period. Each unit contains assessment alignment planners and assessment tasks for each year level.